Protecting Your Home From Flood Damage

Protecting Your Home From Flood Damage

Water damage is expensive and extensive to repair. When moisture saturates into the residence, it permeated deep with a porous material. This dampness sits, hurting the material and attracting mold and mildew. Flood damage is a serious problem. While nothing can prevent harm 100%, some proactive choices could mean a big difference in the cost of cleanup and rebuild. Be sure to do the following three things.

1. Seal the Basement

Homes above water level could have a basement area. This location is prone to flooding for several reasons. When external waters rise, they are likely to penetrate at the lower levels first, making this section extremely vulnerable. Often owners have appliances, water heats and sump pumps in or near the basement. These could flood over and cause trouble.

Look into something like basement waterproofing Parma. Professionals can put a coating on the basement that repels water and protects the home’s structure. This could avoid time-consuming tear-outs.

2. Inspect Plumbing Regularly

Catch minor issues before they become major catastrophes. A leaky pipe could eventually bust, so it’s best to find it early and fix it. Have a plumber look over the pipes annually. If anything seems amiss, tend to it.

During the year, be aware of changes in fixture function and lines. When you clean bathrooms, inspect under the cabinets and checking for drips, rust or corrosion. When using appliances, keep an eye on the water lines to ensure they do not have breaches.

3. Improve Your Property’s Drainage

Be sure the water is moving away from the home and not toward it. The flow should be going in the direction of either a retention pond or a drainage system. Also, gutters carry rainwater from the roof. These should be clear of leaves and not puddling up around the home.

Homeowners have options to mitigate flooding. Be cognizant of possible issues, and seek help as quickly.

Sheri Gill Author