Prevailing Carpet Cleaning Misconceptions That Are Ruining Your Carpet’s Longevity

Regular carpet cleaning improves the lifespan of carpets and ensures a healthy environment. Over time, dirt and bacteria seep deeper into the fabric. Though vacuuming carpets at least twice a week is recommended, vacuum cleaners don’t have sufficient power to eliminate dirt settled at a deeper level. Get your carpets cleaned by professionals Getting your […]

How can you design your dream home as per Vastu?

The guidelines prescribed in an ancient text that helps you harness the flow of universal energy to bring about a sense of balance. It sounds like the treasure in an Indiana Jones movie, but it is very real indeed. This, in a nutshell, is the concept of Vastu. The Vastu Shastra and its scientific principles […]

Know About Various Pros and Cons Before Investing on a Condo 

Many of you must be thinking of making investment in real estate sector, as a long-term investment and wondering whether investing in condos will be a smart decision. Condos are considered a hybrid between a house and an apartment. Condos are also a kind of property and any real estate investor will be able to […]

Interior Decor Mistakes an expert will easily identify

Interior Design comprises a lot of factors such as wall paint, furniture, swatches, positioning are and more. These small decisions can eventually contribute towards finding the most potential option. Nonetheless, one small mistake can eventually harm the entire thing. One may not realize but even the smallest mistake can bring down the entire look of […]